A wide variety of top quality seafood at the best price
Unique in the province with permission from cetarias and closed circuit treatment plant.
In our facilities you will find LOBSTER, LAMANT OF COUNTRY OF THE MEDITERRANEAN AND OF GALICIA, CANADIAN LOBSTER at the best price, CRANCA DE MAR (centollo), OX, NECKS and SHRIMPS of Galicia. Every Wednesday, live products from Asturias and Scotland arrive at our facilities in a fish truck to ensure that the product arrives alive, fresh and in the best conditions.
Oysters arrive daily from Galicia (when the time is right as this is not always the case) or from the Netherlands, a second very good option. You can also find GAMBA DE TARRAGONA and ESCAMARLÀ DE CAMBRILS, two products of unique quality.
Visit our store where you can see the facilities, choose the product you want and enjoy it with the highest quality.